Public urged to stay vigilant, stay away from parks and stay home on Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday, as tempting as it may be to gather together with family, friends and the faith-based community in parks or churches, individuals need to remain strong in the commitment to #CrushCovid.

Costa Mesa parks remain closed and it’s imperative that we continue to be vigilant in our efforts to #flattenthecurve and stay home.

Remember, the Governor’s order regarding gatherings makes no exceptions for churches or holiday gatherings and everybody is strongly encouraged to stay home as much as possible.

We encourage you to stay connected and involved with your church for Easter Sunday options. Many churches have adapted to the COVID 19 situation and have moved their services online. Check with your local church and see what online options they are offering in place of in-person services.

Remember that we are all in this together! Let’s stay home and get creative with home activities for the entire family. Look online for virtual egg hunts, social distancing and remember to connect with your family, friends and loved ones safely from 6-feet away or through a video app or traditional phone call.

Also, if you go out to pick-up Easter takeout meals or other items please wear a face covering or mask.