New 1/5 Marine Banners now adorn Fair Drive

The Costa Mesa Military Affairs team, in support of the Costa Mesa City Council, relaunched its Military Banner Program on Monday July 11 in front of Costa Mesa City Hall.

To kick off to the program, 12 banners were installed along Fair Drive with language that reads “Costa Mesa supports the 1/5 Marines.”  The banners are in reference to the 1St Battalion 5th Marine Regiment unit that the City adopted in 2008 and currently supports.

The installation of the banners is designed to encourage support by the community and help to promote the City’s existing Military Banner program, which allows for Costa Mesa citizens to pay for and display a banner along Fair Drive that honors current family members who are active in the military.


The outpouring of support provided by our community through various events and activities brings funds for the troops and their families, evokes good will, inspires civic pride and patriotism, and is encouraging to the men and women of the battalion.

To make a donation or to enquire about supporting one or both programs, please send a check or contribution to the City of Costa Mesa. P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200 and designate the gift for either the “1/5 Marine banner fund,” or the “Military Banner Fund.” To discuss contributions or take the steps to apply to have a banner installed to honor an active Military Family member please contact Dan Baker at (714) 754-5156 .