Bridge Shelter Success: George’s Story

There have been a number of success stories originating from the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter, this is George’s story.

The Community Outreach team was recently given a client referral of a Costa Mesa man named George who was on the verge of homelessness. The staff, who work daily with individuals experiencing homelessness, learned that George would be homeless within the month because he was in poor and frail health. He could no longer adequately cover his monthly rent expenses solely on his Social Security income, and was running out of time and options.

Outreach staff contacted George to let him know of potential solutions, including the options of moving into a room rental situation or taking in a roommate in his current home. George wanted to stay in his home if possible so the Outreach team asked him what qualities he would like in a roommate. The outreach team worked together with the Bridge Shelter case managers to come up with a list of potential roommates.

George’s first choice for a roommate was a younger man who was working and helpful and was staying at the Bridge Shelter. The Outreach team arranged a meeting with both men to meet and talk out the details of rent, utilities, and food. After the meeting, they both said it was a go!

Outreach staff worked with our collaboration partner, Trellis, to assist the shelter client with moving costs. Outreach staff also utilized partner resources to start the new roommates off on the right foot by assisting them with getting their cupboards filled with food for a plentiful start on their new lives.

Both men are happy, helping each other out in daily life and both are secure in their housing!