City staff working to develop guidelines to reopen Fairview Park

While the city-owned golf course and most Costa Mesa parks reopened on April 28 for passive use, the skate park, Bark Park and Fairview Park were not on the open list.

City staff, with the guidance of selected council members, commissioners, and community partners, are working to develop guidelines to change that and reopen specific areas and trails within Fairview Park, which is home to the largest and most popular open space in Costa Mesa.

Fairview Park has not been reopened because of the need to ensure proper assessment for safe access to trails due to overgrowth and maintenance needs and proper surveying of endangered species and protected habitat.

Additionally, due to the sensitive nature of the parks environment the City has legal stewardship obligations and agreements with various local and state agencies that require additional steps be taken before Fairview Park fully is reopened. City parks and maintenance staff are hoping to have the park open soon.