City calls for closures of movie theaters, fitness clubs and limiting restaurants to take out to help stop spread of COVID-19

The City of Costa Mesa is calling for the closure of movie theaters, fitness clubs, and limiting restaurants to take out and delivery services only, effective March 17 at 11:59 p.m.

This is in concert with the most conservative guidance, which is in direct alignment with local, state, and federal actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The City carefully considers every decision and is working around the clock to prevent the risk of further transmission of COVID-19. As such, these closures are crucial and in the best interest of our community.

In addition to the closures, the City reminds the Costa Mesa community to practice social distancing (six feet of separation), wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, avoid any gathering of 10 individuals or more, isolate yourselves if you are feeling sick, and avoid all non-essential activities.

We are not doing this just for our own well-being but for the best interest and health of our families, friends, and loved ones.

Collectively, as a community, we will defeat COVID-19.

Click here to read our webpage for more information.