Bridge Shelter Partner Profile: Clothing the Homeless

Clothing the Homeless is a ministry of Journey Christian Church, which is now helping Costa Mesa’s Bridge Shelter clients regain dignity and improve their lives.

While the majority of homeless related clothing programs require vouchers and/or are often a bus ride or more away, Clothing the Homeless is unique in that it comes onsite due to its ability to be a mobile clothing distribution system.

The organization’s goal is to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness with adequate clothing for different seasons and weather. They also want the clothing to be decent and clean to provide a boost to clients that often experience low self-esteem and to help them look presentable when appearing at job interviews.

Last month, Clothing the Homeless set up shop here in Costa Mesa and was able to provide new and gently-used clothing and accessories to both shelter guests and neighbors.

With its initial success, Clothing the Homeless now plans to serve shelter guests one weekend per month!

We are thankful for this partnership as it directly benefits those in the community that are experiencing homelessness by ensuring that shelter guests have the opportunity to choose fresh clothes as many of them embark on their housing and even employment plans.

It’s because of organizations like this that we are able to continue to work towards changing lives for the better by putting Bridge Shelter clients on a path to personal and professional success.

To find out ways you can help Costa Mesa’s Bridge Shelter clients call 714-836-7188 ext. 222 or visit our website at